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CD 162 - Type II, Mold G3

Color: Blue Aqua *
Base Type: CDP:w

* this piece has soot residue in skirt

Features: Reworking of CD 162 I, Mold G3 to widen wire groove. The lettering is unchanged, except for the addition of a die stamped mold number on reverse to the left of NO; the mold number is slightly irregular (see below). On front, there are still faint remnants of blots outs visible beneath and above LYNCHBURG. This mold was reworked again into a Type III to further widen the wire groove and strengthen lettering CD 162 Type III, Mold G3, and then retooled with new lettering, CD 162 III, Mold 3.1.

Mold Number Location: Original, on reverse centered below NO, usually very faint or not visible; new die stamped number left and below NO.

Lettering Images:

mold number
Detail showing malformed mold number.